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La literatura predominante en las relaciones internacionales señala, desde hace algunos años, que el poder internacional se encuentra en un proceso de transformaciones y que se está en presencia de una "reconfiguración del sur global". Keywords: BRICS International Economic Order International Relations South- South Relations For the rest of the "South" this situation does not raise new possibilities for influencing and participating in the international system, but replicates the asymmetries and dependencies of the prevailing order. The discourse maintained by emerging powers is one of system reform, but in their actions they attempt to converge with traditional powers, following the path of liberal order. Our hypothesis is that, even though since the beginning of the twenty-first century a redistribution of mainly economic resources has taken place globally, the rules, principles, institutions and policies that have structured the international system since the second half of the twentieth century have not changed.

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In this paper we will put forth for discussion the widely used concepts of "reconfiguration of the international order" and "democratization of international relations" and seek to test their scope and limits. DOI: Ĭurrent literature on International Relations has noted, for quite some time, that international power is undergoing a transformative process and that we are facing a "reconfiguration of the global South." However, our opinion is that these statements exaggerate the depth and nature of the transformations.

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Revista de Relaciones Internacionales, Estrategia y Seguridad. "All that glitter is not gold": Continuities in international order and limits to global south reconfiguration. National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) - Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations, Rosario National University (UNR), Argentina. The work is co-authored and the order in which the authors are mentioned is strictly alphabetical This paper was written with funding from the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET), Argentina at Rosario National University. NEM TUDO QUE BRILHA É OURO: CONTINUIDADES NA ORDEM INTERNACIONAL E LIMITES À RECONFIGURAÇÃO DO SUL GLOBAL NO TODO LO QUE BRILLA ES ORO: CONTINUIDADES EN EL ORDEN INTERNACIONAL Y LÍMITES A LA RECONFIGURACIÓN DEL SUR GLOBAL "NOT ALL THAT GLITTERS IS GOLD": CONTINUITIES IN INTERNATIONAL ORDER AND LIMITS TO THE RECONFIGURATION OF THE GLOBAL SOUTH *

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